Cascada - Evacuate The Dancefloor mp3

Opublikowany 2009-06-06 11:48:30


Komentarze (1)

  • kami21
    2009-06-06 18:04:46
    Turn up the music Lets get out on the floor I like to move it Come and give me some more Watch me getting physical Out of control There’s people watching me I never miss a beat Still the night,kill the lights Feel it under your skin Time is right,keep it tight ‘Cause it’spulling you in Pump it up,you can’t stop ‘Cause it feels lile an overdose (feels like an overdose) Evacuate the dancefloor I’m infected by the sound Stop this beat is killing me Hey little DJ let the music take me underground Evacuate the dancefloor I’m infected by the sound Stop this beat is killing me Hey little Dj come burn this place right down underground My body’s aching That’s some overlode Temperature’s rising I’m about to explode Watch me I’m intoxicated Taking the show It`s got me hypnotized Everybody step aside Still the night,kill the lights Feel it under your skin Time is right,keep it tight ‘Cause it’spulling you in Pump it up,you can’t stop ‘Cause it feels lile an overdose (feels li

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