The following story contains adult content and is intended only for adult readers over the age of 1

Opublikowany 2023-07-14 20:16:50

  • autor: Anonim
The following story contains adult content and is intended only for adult readers over the age of 18. Any characters depicted in adult situations are over the age of 18. This story is entirely fictional and has been written and shared for entertainment purposes only.

Jessica was mortified as she looked down at the bulging, crinkly diaper now wrapped around her waist. She couldn’t believe this was happening.
After all, she wasn’t expecting to have a great time staying with her Aunt Debbie for the weekend. But she never pictured herself ending up like this. Especially not just a few hours after she arrived.
It all started last month, when Jessica’s Mom discovered that Jessica had thrown a party at their house while her Mom was away on a business trip for the weekend.
Jessica’s Mom was furious. And part of Jessica’s punishment was that when her Mom needed to leave town again that weekend, instead of leaving Jessica alone, her Mom decided that Jessica would be staying with her Aunt Debbie, instead.
“But Mommmm!” Jessica moaned. “I’m 18! I’m almost finished with high school. I don’t need a babysitter!”
“That’s what I thought, too. But apparently, I was wrong,” her Mom had scolded. “Throwing a party like that while I was gone was unacceptable. It’s clear that you’re not capable of behaving like a responsible adult yet. Therefore, I will be dropping you off at your Aunt Debbie’s this weekend for her to look after you, and I expect you to be on your very best behavior while you’re staying at her house. Have I made myself clear?”
“Okay, Mom,” Jessica sighed. Her Mom wasn’t usually the strict type. But Jessica could tell when her Mom was genuinely angry with her, and she knew better than to push it.
“Good,” her Mom said. “When I return, I expect Aunt Debbie to give me a glowing report about your behavior under her roof. If she does, you can expect to regain your normal adult privileges very quickly. If she doesn’t… you can expect to see yourself spending a lot more time under her roof, for however long it takes for you to learn to behave yourself like an adult while I’m gone.”
“Yes, Ma’am,” Jessica sighed again.
Jessica wasn’t looking forward to staying with her Aunt Debbie, who she didn’t feel like she knew that well in the first place.
She usually saw her Aunt once or twice around the holidays every year, of course. And she remembered seeing her on a couple extended family vacations when she was much younger.
But beyond that, her Aunt felt almost like a stranger to her. So it made Jessica feel weird to be suddenly thrust under her care like this.
It also didn’t make Jessica feel better knowing that her Aunt’s daughter, and Jessica’s cousin, Ella, was only five-years-old.
On some level, Jessica worried that because her Aunt was used to taking care of a five-year-old, she would treat Jessica the same way, despite Jessica being 18.
To top it all off, on the drive up to her Aunt’s place for the weekend, her Mom reiterated her ominous warning about Jessica’s ‘behavior’.
“I’m serious about you being on your very best behavior this weekend. That means doing absolutely anything and everything your Aunt Debbie asks of you without fuss, you hear me? My sister is doing enough of a favor for us already by watching over you like this while I’m out of town. I don’t want you making her job any harder, or god forbid, setting a bad example for your little cousin, Ella,” Jessica’s Mom lectured.
“Okay, Mom, I get it. I already said I’d be good,” Jessica replied.
“Good. And just in case you still had any doubts about me being serious, I gave your Aunt Debbie full authority to discipline you, if need be, while I’m gone.”
“Okay, Mom, jeez, I get it,” Jessica said, blushing at the suggestion of her being ‘disciplined.’ Jessica had to assume it was an idle threat. After all, her Mom hadn’t talked about any such thing with her since she was… well… her little cousin Ella’s age.
* * *
Despite Jessica’s increasing dread about the weekend, when she did finally arrive at her Aunt’s house on that Friday evening, her Aunt greeted Jessica with the warmest of welcomes.
“Hello, dear! It’s so good to see you again!” her Aunt Debbie said, wrapping Jessica in a hug just as Jessica’s Mom took off to catch her flight.
“Hi, Jessy!” Jessica’s little cousin, Ella, shouted as she ran up to her from the other room. Ella was clearly thrilled to be spending the weekend with her cool older cousin, and Jessica had to admit, she was pretty darn cute.
Her Aunt Debbie then treated Jessica and Ella to a wonderful home-cooked meal. And afterward, Jessica found herself having a great time playing with Ella in the living room and letting her little cousin show her all of her toys.
It was just when Jessica was reflecting on how things seem to be going much better than she expected, when the night took its first, unexpected turn.
“Alright, girls, bedtime,” Aunt Debbie suddenly called out from the stairwell. “Come on upstairs and let’s get you both ready for nighty-nights.”
Jessica cringed as she checked the time. It was clear her Aunt Debbie was talking to both of them… despite it only being 8:30pm.
Jessica was used to going to bed around midnight, often even later on the weekends. If her Aunt really wanted her to try getting to sleep now… Jessica was certainly going to be tossing and turning for a while.
But Jessica swallowed her pride and dutifully followed her little cousin upstairs.
There was still a chance that her Aunt Debbie didn’t seriously mean for Jessica to go to bed now. But even if she did, well, Jessica supposed an early bedtime for a few days wasn’t the worst punishment she could imagine. She knew she just needed to focus on ‘behaving herself’ like her Mother asked, so that she never had to worry about this sort of situation again.
* * *
As Jessica and Ella got to the top of the stairs, her Aunt Debbie called out from Ella’s bedroom, “Ella, dear, do you need help changing into your nighttime panties? Or can you do it yourself like a big girl?”
“I can do it, Mommy,” Ella grumbled, blushing red as she walked into her room.
“Good. I just got a new pack for you, dear. They’re on your bed,” her Aunt said.
It took Jessica a few seconds to put together what they were talking about.
But she finally understood when she walked into Ella’s room and saw Ella opening up a fresh pack of bright pink, GoodNites bedwetting pull-ups.
Jessica blushed and turned away, immediately feeling guilty for accidentally intruding. It was clear her little cousin still felt embarrassed about still having to wear basically diapers at night. Especially in front of her cool older cousin.
Which Jessica completely understood! She would be embarrassed too, if she were in Ella’s position, even at Ella’s age.
In fact… Jessica did wet the bed when she was Ella’s age. And for many years after that.
It wasn’t something Jessica liked to think about. Her years of bedwetting had been so humiliating and traumatizing, she tried to block them from her memory. But now, suddenly seeing Ella’s GoodNites, Jessica felt herself flashing back to her own humiliating, seemingly endless years of waking up in wet sheets, or humiliating wet ‘protection’… or both.
Jessica suppressed a chill as she remembered the many countless embarrassing memories. Well, at least those days are long over by now, she thought to herself.
In fact, in a sort of effort to make herself feel a little better, Jessica glanced over at Ella slipping her GoodNites on again.
Her heart went out to Ella. But Jessica couldn’t help but crack a little smile at how adorable Ella looked wearing one of the super cute, pink, fluffy pull-ups. It almost made her look like an adorable baby again.
But Jessica knew she needed to keep that to herself and pretend she saw nothing. She didn’t want to embarrass poor Ella any further.
God, you couldn’t pay me enough money in the world to relive the humiliation of those days, Jessica thought to herself as she turned to leave.
“Jessica,” Aunt Debbie suddenly called out. “Where’s your night-time protection, sweetie? I couldn’t find it in your bag.”
Jessica froze. She barely believed what she had just heard.
“Huh?” She asked, turning around from the doorway.
“Are you still wearing GoodNites, hon? I can’t imagine they still fit you. I figured you and your Mom must have found something else you’re wearing at night these days that still fits at your age,” her Aunt said.
“Aunt Debbie… what are you talking about?” Jessica stammered, her heart suddenly pounding.
Aunt Debbie sighed. “Come on, Jess, you don’t need to be ashamed in front of Ella. You can see for yourself that she still wets the bed too, and I doubt she’d care anyway, even if she didn’t. After all, it wasn’t that long ago that she even learned how to use the potty at all.”
“Moooom!” Ella groaned in embarrassment as her Mom helped her slip into her PJs.
“Oh calm down, sweetie, I’m just teasing,” her Mom replied. “I know you’re a big girl now. And even big girls sometimes still need to wear protection at night. Like your big cousin, Jessica, here! Right, Jess?”
“No… Aunt Debbie, I think you’re a little confused… er… I mean… I don’t wet the bed!” Jessica blurted, her cheeks suddenly burning red, for reasons she didn’t quite understand. “Or at least I don’t anymore!”
Her Aunt stared at Jessica, her eyes narrowing. “Is that so? Because I happen to remember another little girl who told me that exact same thing one time, some years ago. If I remember right, she lied to me and said that she didn’t wet the bed anymore, and that her Mom didn’t pack her any nighttime protection. And in the morning, after sharing a bed with her, I woke up in a puddle of her pee. Come to think of it… that little girl’s name was Jessica.”
Jessica blushed bright red as she flashed back to the incident her Aunt was referencing.
It was when Jessica was about 12. She and her Mom were on vacation out west, attending a big family reunion. One night, a bunch of Jessica’s extended family, including Aunt Debbie, were all crashing together at the house of one of their relatives.
Jessica’s Mom had gone to sleep early, but Jessica wanted to stay up late to hang out with all her cousins, and sleep with them all on the futons they had laid out on the basement floor. Jessica and her Aunt Debbie ended up sharing one of the mattresses that night.
Before they all went to bed, Aunt Debbie had the foresight to question Jessica about whether Jessica needed to put her ‘night-time protection’ on before they went to sleep.
But unfortunately, Jessica was far too embarrassed to put on her night-time diaper that night with all her cool older cousins around. So she profusely denied to Aunt Debbie that she still wet the bed, and Jessica’s Mom was already asleep, so her Aunt Debbie couldn’t just check with her Mom herself.
Lo and behold, the next morning, Jessica had not only soaked her own PJs and blanket… but she had soaked the PJs of her Aunt Debbie sleeping next to her as well.
Her Aunt Debbie was livid, of course. Most especially because Jessica had explicitly lied to her the night before.
Jessica’s Mom was equally furious at her daughter when she found out, and Jessica was not only thoroughly chewed out by her Mom, but was forced to write her Aunt a very long and embarrassing letter of apology about the incident once they got back home.
It was one of the most mortifying, humiliating experiences in Jessica’s life, and she had worked hard to try and forget about the unbearably humiliating incident and move on. Especially since she hadn’t wet the bed in nearly half-a-decade since then.
But now… it appeared that her Aunt hadn’t been nearly as keen to forget about it.
“No… Aunt Debbie… that was years ago,” Jessica stammered, suddenly feeling a decade younger again. “I don’t wet the bed anymore.”
Her Aunt frowned and shook her head. “Like I said, that’s exactly what you said last time, dear.”
“But really, I don’t!” Jessica pleaded. “I mean, come on, I’m 18 now! You don’t really think I still… I mean obviously now… I mean I’m far too old…”
“Too old?!” Her Aunt Debbie barked. “You were far too old to still need to wear diapers back then, too, Jess! When you were 12! But alas, you proved to me you needed them all the same when I woke up wet in a puddle of your pee!”
Jessica burned bright red. And as much as she hated to admit it, having her little cousin watch her be humiliated like this, as if she were just as little as her, made Jessica feel 10 times even more embarrassed about the situation.
Her Aunt Debbie suddenly turned to Ella, who was watching from the corner, clearly uncomfortable. “Ella, dear, go brush your teeth. I’ll be in to finish helping you in a minute.”
Ella nodded and shuffled off to the bathroom down the hall. Aunt Debbie closed the door behind her and turned back to Jessica.
“Now, you’re really trying my patience, young lady. Especially because I don’t like having to lose my temper like that in front of Ella. Now, are you going to tell me where the night-time diapers are that your Mom packed you? Or do I have to put you over my knee instead?”
Jessica’s eyes shot wide open in shock. She couldn’t believe she was being threatened with a spanking! She’d never been spanked by anyone in her life.
“But she didn’t pack me any night-time diapers!” Jessica pleaded, tearing up in frustration and panic. The fact that her Aunt was now plainly calling them ‘diapers’ now, instead of ‘protection’, was enough to make Jessica tear up with embarrassment on its own. “Please, you have to believe me! I don’t wet the bed anymore and I don’t wear diapers! Just ask my Mom for yourself!”
“I already did, Jessica!” Her Aunt shouted. “It was the first thing I asked her when she asked if I would look after you for the weekend. Now, what is it going to take for you to drop this childish act of yours? Me showing you the text messages I exchanged with your Mom about it for you to read them for yourself?”
Jessica’s head was spinning. She couldn’t imagine how her Mom could have suggested she still wet the bed.
“Umm… yes, actually, could I please see them?” Jessica whimpered.
Her Aunt frowned, clearly very annoyed and insulted that Jessica was taking her up on her rhetorical offer. But her Aunt pulled her phone out all the same.
“Look for yourself, Jess,” her Aunt said, showing her a text conversation with Jessica’s Mom from a couple of weeks ago.
Does Jess still suffer from her night-time… issue? Aunt Debbie wrote in a text.
Huh? Her Mom replied.
Does Jess still wet the bed? Will you be packing her night time diapers for her to change into while she’s over? Aunt Debbie asked.
Then, to Jessica’s shock, her Mom texted back the reply…
OMG, of course! LOL. But thanks, Sis.
Jessica gasped. She could hardly believe it, let alone understand it. “No, no, Aunt Debbie, there’s been some sort of misunderstanding…”
Jessica racked her brain for some sort of explanation. The easiest explanation was that her Mom probably meant to type, ‘OMG, of course NOT!’ But in the hasty back-and-forth text exchange, her Mom must have left out that crucial word without realizing it, thus accidentally communicating the exact opposite of what she intended.
“I mean seriously, Aunt Debbie,” Jessica stammered, “you have to believe me, my Mom must have just made a typo, or was confused, or—“
“Enough!” Her Aunt barked, cutting her off. “I’ve indulged your pathological dishonesty for long enough. It was bad enough when you lied to your Mother about throwing that reckless and dangerous party behind her back. And now you have the gall to lie to me about plain facts that are right in front of my face? Lord only knows what else you’ve been deceitful about in the years since you last lied to me… and I woke up drenched with your urine because of it.”
Jessica cringed and stared at the floor in speechless humiliation.
“Now,” her Aunt continued, “I’m giving you till the count of three to finally fess up and tell me what you did with the night-diapers your Mother packed you. Otherwise, you are going right over my knee to be spanked for as long as it takes for you to finally remember.”
“No, Auntie, please!” Jessica cried. “Just call her! Call my Mom right now and ask her yourself! She’ll tell you I’m not lying about this, I promise!”
Her Aunt just shook her head again. “Very clever, Jess. What a wonderfully crafty attempt to try to deceive me into buying you more time. No doubt so you can try to stall for long enough in hopes that I send you to bed without a diaper on tonight, after all. But I’m no idiot. We both know your Mother is thirty-thousand feet in the air right now, flying across the country. We both know she’s not gonna have service for several more hours, at least.”
Jessica cringed, realizing Aunt Debbie was right.
It was conceivable, of course, that Jessica’s Mom could have purchased in-flight wi-fi, and therefore been able to take a call in the air. But not only did her Mom almost never buy in-flight wi-fi, she had explicitly reminded Jessica and her Aunt before leaving earlier, that she wasn’t going to have her phone on during the long flight.
And besides that, the truth was, at this point, it seemed like nothing would have helped convinced her Aunt, anyway. She had clearly made up her mind about the facts of the situation, and there was seemingly nothing Jessica could do to convince her otherwise.
“Like I said, Jess, you have till the count of three to fess up,” her Aunt said, suddenly grabbing a wooden hairbrush off of Ella’s dresser.
“One,” her Aunt started counting in an ominous tone.
“Aunt Debbie, please, you have to believe me…” Jessica stammered in terror.
“Auntie, I swear! I don’t have any diapers! I promise!” Jessica pleaded through tears now rolling down her cheeks.

“Three,” her Aunt barked from across the room.
There was a deafening silence. All Jessica could muster was a final pathetic squeak.

Before Jessica even knew what was happening, her Aunt Debbie had her flung over her knee.
In a flash, Jessica’s skirt was up, her panties were down, and she was suddenly receiving the spanking of her lifetime with a hairbrush on her naked bottom, just like she was a naughty child.
“You naughty, naughty girl!” Aunt Debbie screamed. “I have given you chance after chance to finally choose to act your age and be honest with me! But it’s clear that you are determined to keep acting like a dishonest brat, instead!”
“Well, since you clearly refuse to respond to being reasoned with like an adult, I’m going to treat you and punish you like the child you’re choosing to behave like, instead!”
“And based on what little your Mother has told me so far of your dishonesty, misbehavior, and childish conduct in general—not to mention your utterly infantile, long-standing bed-wetting habit—this spanking is a long time coming, Missy!”
Jessica was a flailing mess of screaming, crying and wailing for mercy as her Aunt Debbie rained down hellfire with the hair brush on her bare ass cheeks. She had never experienced anything so painful and humiliating before in her life. Her ass felt like it was on fire. She just wanted it to stop no matter what.
“Please Auntie, please!” Jessica bellowed at the top of her lungs. “I’ll be good! I’ll be good, I swear!”
SMACK! SMACK— The blows came to an abrupt stop.
“What was that?” Aunt Debbie asked.
“I said I promise I’ll be good!” Jessica wailed.
“Good,” her Aunt said. “Now, tell me where the diapers are that your Mom packed you.”
Jessica took a big, sobbing, trembling breath. She felt helpless but to plead the truth yet again. “I swear, Auntie… she didn’t pack me any diapers! I don’t wet the bed anymore!”
“Wrong answer!” Her Aunt barked.
The blows continued raining down with abandon. “Auntie, I swear! I’m not lying!” Jessica wailed.
But her pleas fell on deaf ears. Jessica twisted and writhed and sobbed at the top of her lungs while her Aunt only spanked her harder and faster.
“We can do this all night, Jessica!” Her Auntie scolded. “I have no problem tanning your behind till the break of dawn, if that’s what it takes to get you to finally tell me the truth!”
Jessica screamed and writhed and wailed as Aunt Debbie’s hairbrush lit every inch of her butt and thighs on fire. She was hysterically sobbing and begging for mercy louder than she’d ever sobbed in her life. Pathetic tears and snot were running thick down her face and pooling on the floor beneath her head.
But her Auntie still didn’t so much as hesitate a single moment in her non-stop cascade of merciless blows.
Finally, at long last… Jessica knew what she had to do.
The part of her brain still just barely cognizant had finally put the pieces together. And at last, she came to terms with what she knew was her one and only way to bring the terrible spanking to an end.
Jessica took a deep breath, summoned her last remaining strength, and bellowed over the terrible sound of the hairbrush smacking against her bottom…
“I left the diapers my Mom packed me in her car!”
The blows came to a sudden stop.
“What was that, young lady?” Her Aunt asked.
“I said…” Jessica uttered, taking a deep breath, “I secretly left the over-night diapers that my Mom packed for me in her car. When we got here, I slipped the diapers out of my overnight bag and hid them under some things in her trunk so my Mom wouldn’t notice. She has no idea I left them in her car, and I was hoping you weren’t going to ask about them.”
“And why on earth would you do that?” Her Aunt asked.
“Because,” Jessica said, still heaving for breath. “I guess… I guess I was embarrassed about my little cousin seeing me still wearing diapers. And I guess because I’m really ashamed that I’m still a bed-wetter after all these years.
“And I guess because… ultimately, I didn’t care if I got your things wet with my pee while I was here, because I figured that it didn’t matter, because they weren’t my things, so it wasn’t my problem. I guess that’s why, Auntie, if I’m being honest,” Jessica confessed in a solemn tone.
Jessica closed her eyes, waiting for her Aunt’s response. She hoped that she had finally told her Aunt exactly what she wanted to hear, despite it not being true, whatsoever.
“Uh-huh, I see,” her Aunt finally said after a pregnant pause. “Well, I’m not going to lie, that is exactly what I suspected to be the case. But I’m glad I’ve gotten you to finally admit the truth. Now…”
SMACK! — Another sudden blow made Jessica squeal with pain.
“What do you have to say for yourself, young lady?”
Jessica took several deep breaths, trying to summon the proper words. And as she started to say them, she suddenly found herself bursting into a fresh wave of genuine, sorrow-filled sobs.
“I’m sorry, Auntie, really!” She wailed. “I know I was bad, but please, give me a chance to prove to you that I can be good! I promise I’ll never lie to you or my Mommy or anyone else ever again, I swear!”
Jessica felt her Aunt suddenly gently rubbing her back as she broke down into heaving sobs of remorse over her Aunt’s lap.
Part of Jessica was still cognizant enough to feel immensely indignant about having to invent and confess to a crime she didn’t commit, just to escape her Aunt’s vindictive, blistering spanking.
But the other part of Jessica was just glad that she finally seemed to figure out how to give her Aunt what she wanted so that the spanking would finally end.
“Auntie’s proud of you, Jess, for finally being honest with her,” her Aunt said. “For finally being honest about the fact that you’re a helpless bed-wetter who needs to wear diapers every night. And for being honest about your clear powerlessness when it comes to your pattern of making childish, selfish, destructive decisions in your day-to-day life. But don’t worry. Auntie’s here to help you.”
“Really?” Jessica asked, sniffling as she lifted her head.
“Really,” her Aunt replied with a smile, finally helping Jessica sit up on her lap.
“Now, it’s not going to be easy,” her Aunt continued, using Jessica’s shirt to dab at the mess of snot and tears on Jessica’s face. “You’ve made it clear that you have the ingrained behavioral traits of a severely misbehaved toddler. In fact, you’ve even proven that you’re decidedly less mature than your five-year-old cousin, as demonstrated by your inability to even handle the task of putting your own bed-wetting diapers on by yourself, like you saw Ella do for herself, earlier.”
Jessica blushed, immediately resenting the unfair comparison, but knowing better than to dare argue at this point.
“Therefore,” her Aunt continued, “in order to stand any chance of helping you, this weekend, I’m going to have to treat you exactly like the toddler you behave like. Because that’s clearly the only way that the discipline you sorely need has any real chance of actually getting through to you, given your real level of maturity. Does that make sense, Jessy-poo?”
Jessica’s head was a swirl. She was finally coming back to reality from the near out-of-body experience she had during her excruciating spanking, and now she could barely understand what her Aunt meant by any of this. Not to mention, she immediately despised the infantilizing nickname her Aunt just called her… Jessy-poo.
But ultimately, knowing she had little choice at this point, Jessica sniffled, swallowed her pride, and nodded. “Yes, Auntie. I understand. Thank you.”
“Good girl,” her Auntie said, giving her niece a comforting pat on the back. “Alright, dear, up you go.”
Jessica’s Aunt then pushed Jessica off her lap and dragged her by the hand out of the room.
* * *
In the hallway outside Ella’s bedroom, they found little Ella patiently waiting outside the door to get her room back.
Aunt Debbie stopped, still holding Jessica’s hand. “Sweetie, can you go ahead and apologize to your older cousin?” Aunt Debbie said.
At first, Jessica was confused. Why was her Aunt asking Ella to apologize to Jessica?
“Young lady? Did you hear what I just said?” Her Aunt repeated, staring right at Jessica.
Suddenly, Jessica realized her Aunt wanted Jessica to apologize to Ella.
“Oh, you want me to apologize?” Jessica stammered. “Sorry, I thought you said ‘apologize to your older cousin’—“
“That’s right!” her Aunt cut her off. “Like I said, Jessy-poo, you’ve already demonstrated yourself to be less mature than five-year-old Ella, here. So for our purposes, Ella is now your older cousin.”
Ella’s eyes suddenly went wide with excitement, while Jessica recoiled in indignation.
“Now, apologize, Jessy, for making your older cousin, Ella, wait in the hallway outside her own room, because you were so naughty, that Aunty had to spank your little bum,” Aunt Debbie ordered.
Jessica took a big gulp, already finding herself reaching the limits of swallowing her pride. “I’m uh… sorry, Ella. I was naughty, and so Auntie had to spank my bum in your room.”
Ella giggled. “I heard you getting spanked! It sounded like you must have been real naughty to get such mean spanking from Mommy.”
Jessica bristled at the cruel indifference Ella had toward her suffering. But then, looking at her Aunt, she sensed that her Aunt still wanted Jessica to say even more. Jessica took a deep breath and continued.
“Yes, you’re right, Ella. I was really naughty. I was a very naughty girl, and I deserved every bit of Auntie’s hairbrush on my tush.”
Ella burst into giggles and then ran off into her bedroom.
Aunt Debbie then yanked Jessica forward again, continuing with her down the hall.
“Alright, dear,” her Aunt said, “Let’s go get you ready for bed. Since you don’t have the night-diapers your Mom packed you, and Ella’s pull-ups are obviously too small, I’m going to have to put you in one of the other diapers your size I just happen to have on hand, lucky for us.”
Jessica internally grimaced. She had been so caught up in everything else, she almost forgot that she was going to have to actually suffer wearing diapers again. Something she hadn’t had to endure the embarrassment of in years.
“And let me tell you dear,” her Aunt continued “you may have thought you were being slick by ditching the diapers your Mom packed for you. But trust me, the diapers I have for you are going to be far more uncomfortable and embarrassing for you. By time this weekend is over, you’ll be begging your Mom to wear your normal, night-time pull-ups again.”
Jessica groaned. She had no idea what other torments her Auntie had in store for her. But somehow, it seemed that she was about to suffer far worse humiliation than when she actually did wet the bed and need diapers as a kid.

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