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Opublikowany 2023-05-20 11:46:39

  • autor: Anonim
Subject: New Beginnings (A Maggie & Twin Story) Part 11
From: [email protected]
Date: 99-05-19 21:17:19 EDT

This is one part of a long story, with many spankings (M/f, F/f, and some M/F). It starts shortly after the end of _Change of Scenery_ and involves the same characters. It was written with a co-author, who has not made her name public.

This story contains spanking of (fictional) children . If this is not your thing, then don't read it.

This story is a work of fiction. Do not copy or distribute this story without written permission from SamPast.

This story is distributed in multiple parts. See part 1 for complete disclaimers and warnings..

Send any comments to [email protected]

New Beginnings
Chapter 11
By SamPast
Copyright Š1999, All rights reserved.

Bob looked up, and was surprised to see Maggie up. Taking a closer look, he realized she looked incredibly sleepy.

"Hey, baby, what are you doing up so early?" Bob asked.

Maggie went over to her daddy and sat on his lap. She cuddled against him.

"I wanted to get right to work on my essay," Maggie replied sleepily.

"But Maggs, it's 6:30 in the morning. You don't have to be up this early. You have two whole days to work on it," Bob explained.

"I know, but I want to get started," Maggie said.

"Okay, but how 'bout some breakfast first? You want cereal or eggs?" Bob asked.

"Can I have a scrambled egg?" Maggie asked.

"Sure, honey. Go sit at the table. I'll pour you some juice," Bob uttered.

Maggie ate her breakfast. She watched her daddy continue reading the paper.

He looked over at her. "How's your eye this morning, honey?" Bob asked concerned.

"It hurts a little, but not like yesterday," said Maggie.

Bob shook out two baby aspirin from the bottle of St. Joseph's(tm) and handed them to her. "Here, chew these."

Maggie made a face as she chewed them. She hated the artificial orange flavor. After finishing her breakfast, Maggie retrieved her notebook, a pencil, and her social studies book, and sat at the table.

Bob was impressed. Here it was, not quite seven a.m. and his little girl was already starting her punishment essay. He wouldn't have believed it if you had told him six months ago, that he would be the proud father of a nine-year-old girl. He pondered how much his life had changed in the past year.

After several erasings, and crossings out, Maggie threw her notebook across the room, and cried, "ARGH!"

"What's the matter, hon?" Bob asked.

"I can't get started. It's hard. I DON'T WANT TO DO IT!" Maggie cried.

"Excuse me?" Bob said.

"Daddy, please! I don't know what to write. What I wrote sounds so stupid. I want it to be good for you, and I can't do it! I don't WANNA do it!" Maggie was shrieking and crying, and beginning a temper tantrum.

Very calmly Bob picked her up and carried her to her room. Once there, he deposited her on her bed. He leaned down to pull the covers over, but Maggie didn't know that.

"No, Daddy, please, don't!" she wailed.

"Don't what? I'm not going to spank you, Margaret Anne. You are going back to sleep. I don't want to see your face out of this bedroom until after 9:00. Is that understood?" Bob said sternly.

Maggie was too shocked that she wasn't getting a spanking, to speak. Finally she just nodded. "Yes, Daddy." Then she added, "I'm sorry I was screaming."

"You were beginning to throw a tantrum, Maggie. And I told you a few weeks ago, that that behavior is unacceptable! Now, you are a very tired little girl. I want you to go back to sleep. If you can't sleep, then just lay here and think about your essay. Got it?"

"Yes, sir." Maggie turned over, and grabbed her teddy bear.

Bob couldn't help but think that was so cute. He came back to her bed, and kissed her on the cheek.

"G'nite sweetie, I love you," he said. And then he left the room.

Bob went back to the kitchen. No sooner had he finished folding the paper, that he heard, "Boooob!" coming from his bedroom.

He went in. "Good morning, hon. What's the matter? You look terrible," he said.

"Thanks," was the reply. "I'm not feeling too well. I must have finally caught what Maggie had at New Year's," Heather said quietly.

"But honey, that was almost two weeks ago. What hurts?" Bob asked, feeling Heather's forehead.

"Ooh, it's hot. Let me get the thermometer," he remarked.

"Honey!" Heather called after him.

"Yes?" he asked.

"The oral one," Heather grinned.

Bob grinned, too. "Oh you!"

Bob put the thermometer under Heather's tongue. He waited, then took it out. 103§. "OUCH! That's hot!" Bob exclaimed. "What else is wrong?"

"I feel tired, and sweaty, but I have chills, and I'm nauseous," Heather whispered.

"Nauseous? Uh-Oh, maybe you're pregnant," Bob exclaimed.

Heather was not amused. "I am not pregnant!" she stated emphatically. "I have the flu. And I feel miserable."

Bob brought Heather some Tylenol and a cool glass of water. "I'm going to go make you some toast and tea."

"No toast, I'm too nauseous," Heather begged.

"Hon, you need some substance in your body. Just one piece, okay?" he asked.

Heather nodded.

Over her "breakfast", Heather told him she felt bad that she was leaving him to deal with a punished Maggie all by himself. He also filled her in on what happened that morning.

"Well, I'll try to get her out of the house for a couple of hours. We can go do research at the library, for her essay. That way, you'll be able to rest some," Bob suggested.

Suddenly, Heather put her hand to her head, and said, "Oh my god, we forgot about this weekend!"

"What!" Bob said.

"Monday is Martin Luther King Day, and there's a three day weekend. Hon, we promised to take the twins for the weekend so Charlie and Lisa could go away!" Heather squealed.

"Well, we'll just have to tell them that you're sick, and we can't take the twins," said Bob. "Besides, they could leave them with Joan and Jack."

Heather shook her head. "No, they can't. They're going away with Joan and Jack. It's been planned for awhile. Darren and Samantha are taking Joseph and Jody. They can't take the twins, too. They have two kids of their own."

"Hon, I don't want you to worry about this, okay? Besides, it's only Tuesday. If you have what Maggie had, you should be okay by the weekend. It'll be fine," Bob tried to calm her down.

"But hon?"

"What, Heather?"

"Maggie's punished. We grounded her for two weeks. What are we going to do with the twins for a three-day weekend?" Heather asked, miserably.

"Oh. I didn't think of that. Well, if she's good during this week, we'll suspend her punishment while the twins are here. I guess that's only fair," Bob replied. "Okay, hon?"

But there was no answer. Heather had fallen asleep.


Maggie worked religiously on her essay all day Tuesday and Wednesday. There were no more temper tantrums, and once Maggie had gotten started, there was no stopping her. She found books in the library on Martin Luther King and Gandhi to substantiate her own words.

When Bob read the finished piece, he was thoroughly impressed. "Wow, Maggs! This is really very good. I hope you apply the same effort into your regular schoolwork."

Maggie beamed. She wanted so badly to make her daddy proud. "I do, Daddy," she said.

Bob reached for a manila folder. "Okay, I'm going to put this in here. If you should repeat this behavior, you will have to reread your essay. And any other times, you misbehave, you will have to write about it like you did today. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Daddy. But I won't be fighting any more. I learned my lesson," Maggie said.

Bob went over and hugged Maggie. "That's my good girl. That's exactly what I wanted to hear. Come, let's go see how Mommy's feeling."

The two walked hand in hand to the bedroom.


The next few days passed without incident. Maggie returned to school, as did Frankie. You'd never know they were at the same place. Frankie avoided Maggie like the plague. She was glad, but also in a way, she missed the challenge of their daily arguments.

Maggie wanted to find out why Frankie didn't come near her. She asked around. Word was that Frankie's dad told him to stay far away from Maggie and any other girls, if he knew what was good for him. Maggie smiled, thinking of Frankie over his daddy's knee. "Boy, he must have got it good," Maggie thought to herself.

Maggie stayed out of trouble. She knew she couldn't push her luck where her behind was concerned. Getting out of a spanking twice in one week was pretty lucky, she thought.

Heather was feeling better by Friday, so the twins were coming as originally scheduled. Bob and Heather didn't tell Charlie and Lisa that Maggie was grounded. They didn't want them feeling guilty.

Charlie and Lisa dropped Robin and Jennifer off before dinner. Charlie put their bags down and talked to Bob a few minutes, while Lisa and Heather spoke quietly in the kitchen. The twins went in search of Maggie.

Finally, it was time to go. Charlie and Lisa called Robin and Jennifer into the living room. They each kissed both parents good-bye. Charlie took Jenn and Robin aside and warned them to behave themselves.

"We will, Daddy!" Robin whined.

Charlie frowned. "Whining is not a good way to start your weekend, young lady."

Robin hung her head. Looking at the carpet, she said, "I'm sorry, Daddy."

Charlie smiled. He put his finger under her chin and lifted it. "I know you are, sweetie. Now, both of you, remember, that Uncle Bob will not hesitate to pull your pants down and give you a spanking, if you deserve it. Do you understand?" He waited for them to nod, before he continued. "Now, I don't want to hear about any spankings when I get back. Behave yourselves!"

The girls kissed their parents one more time, before they headed out.


That night, only Maggie needed a bath. Robin and Jenn had each had one after school. Bob made sure Jennifer used the bathroom before slipping on her pantsies. All three girls were sleeping in Maggie's room. She had a trundle bed which had another bed underneath, that pulled out to make one giant bed. Heather and Bob had gotten it with this in mind.

"Okay, girls, you can talk for ten minutes, but then that's it. I don't want to have to come in to remind you," Bob said as he kissed Maggie, then Jenn, then Robin.

"Okay, Uncle Bob," said Robin. "Okay," said Jenn. "Yes, sir," said Maggie.

The girls tried to stay up late, but were all pretty much exhausted. Bob was glad he didn't have to go back in.

The next day, Bob and Heather took the girls bowling. They were all very well behaved. The twins still had their father's warning in mind. And Maggie knew she was already on thin ice. Just the fact that her parents had suspended her grounding this weekend, made her know not to push the envelope.

Only once did Bob have to scold Robin for whining. And that was because she didn't know how to bowl. She was whining because the ball was too heavy. Bob simply found her a lighter ball, and explained to her how to do it. Besides, it was bumper bowl, so there shouldn't have been a problem.

That night, after dinner, the girls were watching t.v. when the telephone rang. Bob spoke to the person on the phone, and when he returned the receiver to its cradle, he said, "Girls! Guess what?!"

"What?" "What, Daddy?"

"That was Nana. She and Grampsie are coming over tomorrow to visit. Won't that be nice?" Bob exclaimed.

Heather said, "Oh, good. I'm glad they're going to make it after all."

Heather knew they had almost had to cancel because she had been ill. But now she was excited that Bob's parents were going to see the apartment for the first time.

The twins were excited, too. They loved their grandparents. But Maggie became quiet. Both Heather and Bob noticed.

Heather said, "Robin, Jennifer, come on. Let's go get ready for bed!"

"Maggie, too!" Jenn whined.

Bob frowned. "No whining, young lady!"

"Sorry! But isn't Maggie coming?" Jenn asked.

"Yes, she will be right in. I need to talk to her, okay?" Bob explained.

Maggie went to stand in front of her daddy. "What do you need to talk to me about, Daddy?" Maggie asked quietly.

"Come here, Magpie," Bob said, pulling Maggie into his lap. "You don't seem glad that my parents are coming over tomorrow."

"Well, it's just that, well, I'm remembering what happened last time. Maybe they'll still be mad at me 'cause of my joke book," Maggie said very fast.

Bob reassured her. "No, no, sweetie. They've forgotten all about that. Nana was just telling me how glad she is to have this chance to get to know you better. She told me she can't wait to see your room, and everything."

"Really?" Maggie asked.

"Yes, sweetie. Nana and Grampsie are my parents. And I love them very much. And I love you very much. I want all of you to get to know each other and to get along. Will you try? For me?" Bob asked.

"Yes, Daddy, I will. I promise!" Maggie declared.

"Okay, good girl. Go put your pjs on. I'll come to tuck you in," Bob announced.


The next day was Sunday. All four girls slept late. Bob was up early reading the paper, as usual. Finally, he had to wake Heather up.

"Hon, I'm going to the supermarket to get some things for later. The girls will probably be getting up soon, too," Bob informed her.

"Huh? Uh, yeah, okay," Heather said. As soon as Bob left the room, Heather fell back to sleep.

Maggie, Jenn, and Robin did get up soon after. They made their own breakfast, as Heather was still asleep.

After watching tv for a while, Jenn said, "I'm bored. Where's Uncle Bob?"

"I don't know. Let me go ask Mommy," Maggie replied.

She woke Heather up. "Hon, I'm really tired. Please let me go back to sleep," Heather said.

"But Mommy, we're bored. Where's Daddy?" Maggie whined.

Heather was too sleepy to notice the whining. "Daddy went to the store. He'll be back later. Come on, Maggs, go watch t.v. or something."

"Mom, can we go outside?" Maggie asked.

"Huh? Yeah, okay. Don't go too far," Heather said and rolled over and went back to sleep.

Maggie ran into the den. "Come on girls, get dressed. We can go outside!"

"But it's freezing out," Robin said.

"No, it's not. It's not that cold. Besides, we can hang out. I'll show you the woods," Maggie said.

The girls got dressed, and put on their jackets, mittens, and hats. There was no snow, but as it was January, it was pretty cold. The girls went into the backyard. Maggie waved at Mrs. Warner, who was in her kitchen. She waved back.

They walked around the backyard. They played on top of an old stump and ran around.

"I'm bored. And cold!" Jenn complained.

"Yeah, me too. You said you would show us the woods, Maggie," Robin called.

"Well, it's right there!" Maggie pointed. "But I'm not really allowed to go in there, by myself. Come on, let's play hide and go seek!"

"I don't wanna," Robin said.

"It's too cold. Let's go in," Jenn agreed.

"I'll be IT!" Maggie exclaimed.

"Okay," Robin said. "All right, I'll play," Jenn said. They both knew there would be nothing to do inside anyway.

Maggie went to the stump and counted to twenty-five. Then she yelled, "READY OR NOT, HERE I COME!"

Maggie looked everywhere. She checked the whole backyard, and the front. She looked behind the patio furniture, and near Mrs. Warner's garden. She looked in the bushes, and under the ball-eating tree. She couldn't find the twins anywhere.

"Okay, I give up! COME ON OUT!" she shouted.

But no one came out. Maggie was getting scared. Maybe they went back inside to trick me, she thought. She started back for the house. She saw Mrs. Warner in the kitchen and waved.

Mrs. Warner opened the door and called out, "Maggie, dear child, isn't it awfully cold to be running around out here?"

Maggie ran up to her door and nodded. "Yeah, it's a little cold. But it's fun. My cousins are over and we're playing hide and go seek. Have you seen them?" she asked.

Mrs. Warner shook her head. "No, I'm sorry, I haven't."

"Well, they probably went in. They were complaining they were cold," Maggie admitted. "See you later."

Maggie went back into the apartment. She didn't see either twin, and no one else was around. She peeked into her parents' bedroom and heard the shower running. "Well, at least Mommy's finally up," Maggie thought.

Where could they be? Maggie wondered. Oh, no! Could they have gone into the woods? Oh, I bet that's where they are. Oh, no! Maggie took off at top speed to find her cousins. She ran to the edge of the woods and called their names. No answer.

Meanwhile, Bob arrived at the apartment, arms full of groceries. He came in and said, "Hey, can someone give me a hand?" There was no answer, which he immediately thought was strange. He brought all the perishables into the kitchen, and put them away, before searching the rest of the apartment. He finally found Heather in their bathroom.

"Oh, hon, there you are. Where is everyone?" Bob asked.

Heather was towel-drying her hair. "Hi, hon. Back so soon?" she asked.

"Heather, where are the girls?" Bob asked.

"What? Aren't they here?" she wondered.

Bob was furious. "Are you telling me, you don't know where they are?"

"Honey, calm down. I'm sure they're around here somewhere," Heather said fliply.

Bob brought his hand down hard on Heather's backside. Once, twice, three times. She yelped in surprise.

"Hey!" she said. "What was that for?"

Bob gently pushed Heather into the bedroom and onto their bed. Very calmly he said, "Heather, Charlie and Lisa left us to take care of their daughters. I left you an hour ago with three girls, and now I come home to find none. And you're telling me that they're probably around here somewhere. WHERE ARE THEY?"

He was losing his patience. Heather began to cry.

"I'm sorry, Bob. I was sleeping," she admitted.

"So, even after I woke you up, you went back to sleep?" he asked.

Heather nodded. "I don't have time for this right now. We have to find them. They could be anywhere."

Heather sniffled. "Oh, wait, I think Maggie asked me if they could go outside and play. Yeah, that's it, I remember now."

Bob frowned. "It's 34 degrees outside. What are you, crazy? I'm going out to look for them. Maybe Mrs. Warner's seen them."

"I'll come," Heather suggested.

"No, you stay here," Bob commanded. "Actually, you can bring in the rest of the groceries and put them away. Should I remind you, my parents will be here at noon?"

He didn't wait for an answer. He just stomped out of the house, in search of the girls. He hoped they were all right, happily playing in the backyard.

Back at the edge of the woods, Maggie continued calling Robin and Jennifer's names. She still got no answer. She began to cry. She knew not to go into the woods. But what if her cousins had gotten lost, or hurt? Maggie didn't know what to do.

She walked in and started to look around. She continued calling their names. No answer. She looked for a few more minutes, but was afraid of getting lost herself. "I'd better go back for help," she said to herself.

As she came out of the woods, walking backwards, she walked right into something. She shouted, and turned around. It was her daddy. And he had a very angry look on his face.

"Margaret Anne! What are you doing?" he shouted.

Before Maggie could respond, Bob turned her around and smacked her bottom five times.

"You know better than to go into the woods!" Bob looked around. "Where are the twins?" he asked.

Maggie had begun to cry. She stood there rubbing her bottom. The spanks hadn't hurt that much, but Maggie feared she was in for a big spanking.

"Answer me, young lady! Where are your cousins?" Bob repeated.

Maggie threw herself into Bob's arms. He hadn't been expecting that, and reeled back.

"Hey, now, what is it?" Bob asked, more gently.

"Daddy, we were playing hide and go seek, and I was IT, and they went to hide and now I can't find them. I looked everywhere, and I even went back home, but Mommy was in the shower, and I didn't know what to do. I thought maybe they went into the woods, and I didn't know if I should look for them. But I can't find them!" Maggie blurted out.

It took Bob a few seconds to sort out what she had just said, as she said it all in one rush. Bob held Maggie as she cried into his jacket. Finally, he pushed her away and looked into her eyes.

"Maggie, stop crying!" he scolded.

She tried to wipe the tears from her eyes. She looked up at her daddy. She knew she had disappointed him, and she felt two feet tall.

"I'm sorry, Daddy. I didn't mean to disobey you. I only went in the woods a little ways, and when I didn't find Robin and Jenn, I came right back out. I was going to come home and get help. Honest!" Maggie explained.

Then she burst into tears again. Bob picked her up and held her.

"It's okay, baby. I believe you," Bob said.

Maggie picked her head up. "You do?" she sniffed.

Bob nodded. "Unless I shouldn't?" he teased.

Maggie shook her head back and forth and smiled for the first time since running into her daddy. Bob held her for another minute. Then put her back down. He leaned down himself, so that he was on her level.

"Now, Maggs, do you think Robin and Jennifer went into the woods?" Bob asked.

Maggie nodded. "I think they might have. They wanted me to show it to them. And I kind of said I would, but I really just wanted them to come outside. Then when I told them we couldn't go, they wanted to go inside. Then I thought to play hide and seek, and then they were missing," Maggie stated.

"So, you assume they went into the woods while you were counting, maybe?" Bob asked.

Maggie just nodded.

"Okay, hon, look, I want you to go back to the apartment and tell Mommy what's going on. I'm going to go in and look for the twins. Okay?" Bob asked.

"Okay, Daddy," Maggie responded. She turned to go, and then turned back around. "Daddy?"

Bob smiled. "Yes, Maggs?"

"Are you very angry at me?" Maggie asked, hesitantly.

Bob came back and put his arm around his daughter. "No, sweetheart, I'm not angry at you at all. You explained to me what happened, and I think you did the right thing. I am, though, very angry with your cousins. Now, run along and do what I told you."

Bob gave Maggie one swat on the behind, but Maggie knew it was just a playful swat and not a spank. She ran back inside to let her mom know what was going on.

Heather wrung her hands for the third time.

"I can't believe I let you girls go outside," she said.

"Mom, you've said that twenty times. Daddy will find them. I know he will. It's only been fifteen minutes, Mom. Don't worry!" Maggie tried to reassure her mom. She felt like it was the old days, when she took care of Heather.

Finally, Bob came in with a twin in each hand. Neither of them were smiling, and Heather guessed that Bob had already smacked them at least once upon finding them.

"Oh, thank god!" Heather cried, rushing over to hug the twins. "Where were you two? We were worried sick!"

Bob looked disgustedly at Heather. He knew that he would be administering more than two spankings this day.

"We got lost," Robin exclaimed.

"Yeah, really!" Jenn stated.

Bob looked down at Jennifer. "You need to go get changed. I'll deal with you in a few minutes."

Jennifer had wet her pants in the woods. After she and Robin had decided to hide there, they both really had gotten lost. Jennifer was so scared, she had wet her pants.

Bob still held Robin's hand. "Come with me," he said, practically dragging her into his and Heather's bedroom. He sat down on his dressing chair and placed Robin in between his legs.

"Now, tell me why you are being punished, young lady," Bob said sternly.

Robin sobbed, "Please, Uncle Bob, don't spank me. I'm sorry! We didn't mean to get lost!"

"No, I'm sure you didn't, Robin. But Maggie did tell you she wasn't allowed in the woods, didn't she?" Bob asked.

"Yes, sir."

"And didn't you think that if Maggie wasn't allowed in the woods, that you and Jennifer wouldn't be allowed, either?"

"I guess," Robin said.

"You guess?" Bob shrieked.

"I mean, yes, sir. I figured."

"Well, then, why did you go in?" Bob queried.

Robin sighed. "I don't know," she said.

Bob turned Robin over his knee and administered a dozen spanks over her pants. "You know, young lady, that 'I don't know' is not an acceptable answer! Now, why did you go into the woods?" Bob roared.

Robin was crying, her hand rubbing her already sore bottom. "I, we, um, we thought it would be fun."

"And was it?" Bob asked.

"At first. But then we got lost. It was scary. And cold," Robin admitted.

"Yes, well, it's a very good thing that I found you girls. Any number of things could have happened. Someone else could have found you. A bad person, and kidnapped you. Or you could have gotten so lost, that we couldn't find you for hours. Didn't you learn anything this past summer, when Maggie got lost up at the ranch? Your daddy told me all about that!" Bob uttered.

Robin was crying. She had forgotten about that awful time when they couldn't find Maggie. She threw herself in her uncle's arms.

"I'm so sorry, Uncle Bob! I will never, never disobey you again!" Robin sobbed.

"Well, I hope not, young lady. But in the meantime, you are going to get a spanking!" Bob said, as he pulled down Robin's pants and panties. He let them drop to the floor, as he guided his niece across his lap.

Bob spanked much the same way as her own daddy. He spanked first one cheek, then the other, left, right, left, right, spank, spank, spank. He was alternating cheeks as he spanked.

The only thing that was different about the way her uncle spanked, was the lecture that followed with each spank. "You will not ever (SPANK!) ever (SPANK!) ever (SPANK!) go into the woods (SPANK!) by yourself. (SPANK!) Is that clear, (SPANK!) young lady(SPANK!) ?"

Through her tears, Robin whispered, "Yes, sir."

Finally, Robin laid limp over her uncle's lap. Her bottom was a bright red, and Bob knew she had had enough. He stopped the spanking and pulled Robin to her feet. He put his arms around her and hugged her.

"I am just so glad you and your sister were all right. Don't ever scare me like that again. Okay?" Bob said and smiled.

Robin knew she had been forgiven when her uncle smiled. She smiled, too, and said, "I won't. I promise, Uncle Bob!"

Bob gave Robin a peck on her cheek and laid her down on his bed. "Now, I want you to take a little nap. When you wake up, Nana and Grampsie will be here. Okay?"


Bob sighed, as he closed his bedroom door and went to Maggie's room. He went in and sat down on the edge of the trundle bed. Jenn was laying on Maggie's side of the bed, with her head facing the wall.

Bob tapped her, and said, "Hey!"

Jenn slowly turned over. Her face was tear-stained. "Please don't spank me, Uncle Bob! Daddy's going to be so mad at me!"

"Come here, little one," Bob said as he lifted Jenn onto his lap. "Why do you think your daddy will be angry at you? Hmmm?"

"Because, because I let him down. He warned me and Robin no spankings," Jenn sobbed.

Bob said gently, "So, if I don't spank you, and I just tell him what happened this morning, he won't be mad?"

Jennifer shook her head. "No, he'll still be mad."

"And he'll still be disappointed. Won't he?" Bob asked her.

Jenn nodded. She continued to cry; she was miserable.

"Tell me why you went into the woods, Jennifer," Bob requested.

"I thought it would be fun. I didn't think we'd get lost. I didn't realize how big they were. I'm sorrrrrry!" she cried.

"I'm sorry, too. And I'm sorry, but you're still getting a spanking," he said.

Jenn nodded again. "I know."

Bob gave Jennifer the same lecture he had with Robin. Then he pulled her to her feet, and pulled her pants and panties right off. He laid her across his lap, and began to spank, alternating cheeks as he did. While he spanked, he gave a similar lecture, as he had with her sister.

Eventually Bob knew Jennifer had enough. Her bottom matched the color of Robin's. He pulled her to her feet and hugged her close. "I love you, baby," Bob told her, using the nickname Charlie had for her.

"I love you, too, Uncle Bob," Jenn said through her tears.

Bob put a pair of pantsies on Jennifer and laid her back down on the bed for a nap. Then he went out to the kitchen for a cold drink. He was exhausted, and the day had barely begun.


All three girls were up dressed and ready when Nana and Grampsie got there. They were determined to be on their best behavior. Bob noticed that Maggie still hung back when they came in, and sighed. He knew he needed to have patience with her, and her feelings towards his parents. He wished her experience with her other grandmother had not been so negative, and knew she was just a normal child, reacting from the depth of her experiences.

The twins ran and hugged Nana and Grampsie, and then Maggie approached slowly. She knew that her daddy had said they weren't mad at her anymore, but she still wasn't sure.

Nana gave each of the girls a bag to open, and they were surprised since they had just gotten Chanukah presents. Opening them, each saw a knitted pair of mittens in different colors.

"Wow, Nana, thanks!" they all exclaimed.

Maggie looked at hers in awe. No one had ever knitted her something before. A slow smile came over her face, and she wondered how Nana had known that hunter green was her favorite color. She looked up and saw Nana looking at her, and went and threw her arms around her neck, and whispered her thanks into her ear.

Very shyly Maggie asked, "But Nana? How did you know that hunter green was my favorite color?"

"A little birdie told me," she said.

"Ohh," Maggie giggled at that, realizing who the birdie was. "It was nice of you to find that out, Nana, thank you."

Nana realized just how much love this little girl had been missing in her life. The twins, getting these kinds of gifts regularly, were off into something else, as Maggie held them up to her face, with a look of awe.

Lunch was uneventful, and afterwards they all went to Fortunoff's to shop for a few things. The girls got bored really quickly looking at household stuff, and almost wandered away, until they remembered that they were trying to be good.

Back at the house, Heather made hot chocolate for everyone, and served some lemon cake Bob had gotten at the store that morning. Grampsie had another surprise for them; he had rented Pocahontas and the girls screeched and went to watch it.

Heather laughed, and said, "You know, no matter how many times they see that, they still cry. Well, I guess I do, too."

The adults knew when the movie was over, because they heard the twins squabbling, and Bob went in to find out what the problem was.

"What is all this noise, young ladies?" he asked them in a stern voice.

Robin told him that Jenn was wiggling on the couch, and that she told her to go to the bathroom, but Jenn wasn't listening.

"I see," Bob said.

"Well," Jenn told him, "SHE is not my boss, is she Uncle Bob?"

"No pet, she isn't, BUT, there is NO NEED FOR AN ACCIDENT, is there?" Bob asked her.

"No sir."

"Okay then, go to the bathroom, and stop being stubborn." With that, he gave her a pat on her bottom to send her on her way.

When she left, he turned to Robin and told her, "I understand you were trying to help, but don't embarrass or tease her, okay?"

Robin hung her head, because she knew she had been. Bob realized it, too, but decided not to make an issue out of it. Maggie remained very silent, not wanting to get into the middle of a twin scene.

Soon it was time for Nana and Grampsie to head home. The twins hugged and kissed them and said they would see them soon. This time, Maggie gave Nana a great big hug, and said, "I love you. Thanks again for the mittens. I can't wait to wear them to school tomorrow."

Bob smiled. He knew all was right with the world. Well, at least between his parents and Maggie.

After they left, and by the time baths and clean up was finished, it was bedtime. Bob and Heather put the girls to bed. In less than fifteen minutes all three were sleeping soundly, and Bob closed the door for the night, leaving the nightlight on in case any of them had to get up.

Walking back to the kitchen, he hugged Heather from behind and started nuzzling her neck. Heather thought she was off the hook, that Bob had forgotten the morning's incident and she unconsciously sighed.

"Things went well with the folks, didn't they?" Bob asked her. "Maggie sure did bond with my mother today."

"Yes, I noticed that, too. I was glad. The girls were very well behaved. I guess they would have been after this morning," Heather replied.

Bob agreed. "Yes, those girls were well behaved because they learned their lesson. Now my love, I think it's time for someone else to learn hers."

Turning in his arms, Heather said, "Bob, sweetheart, I know what I did this morning wasn't right, but I didn't do it deliberately, hon."

Taking her hand in his, he told her in a voice she could NOT disobey, "We will finish this in our room!"

Once in the bedroom, Bob sat on the bed, and held Heather between his legs as he would the girls.

"Now, tell me, did you honestly think it was a good idea to let the girls go outside without an adult?" he asked.

"Noo, I don't," admitted Heather.

"Okay. Did I ask you to get up this morning when I left?" Bob asked.

"Well, yes, you did. But I haven't been feeling well lately, and I was just sooo tired, I couldn't seem to get moving this morning," she explained.

Bob nodded. "Hmmm, I see. Is THAT your excuse, for carelessness, not being a responsible adult, and LOSING OUR NIECES? Is that what you would tell Charlie and Lisa when they got back and we had lost them?"

Hanging her head, Heather realized just how much trouble she was in.

"Of all the irresponsible, backsliding things you have said to me, that takes the cake, young lady," Bob told her.

Knowing how much she had disappointed him, Heather burst into tears.

Bob frowned. "Don't bother with those, young lady. You had better save them for a bit."

"Bob, I hate disappointing you, I really, really do," Heather tried.

"Then try growing up a bit, Heather. You are the adult here," Bob stated.

"I know Bob, I know. Really! Please don't spank me!" Heather pleaded. Then she asked, "What if the girls wake up and hear you?"

But Bob shook his head. He wasn't going to let her talk him out of this. "I doubt they will for one thing. They were pretty exhausted from the day. Besides, I turned on the TV, so if they do get up, that's what they will hear. Now, over my lap, young lady, NOW!" Bob commanded.

Heather almost dove over his knee, glad that the lecturing was over. She didn't want to have to look him in the eye another minute. Bob didn't start with a warm up, but spanked all on one cheek, and then down her thighs, then went to the other cheek so that it would hurt more, and get to the point faster.

Heather grabbed a pillow to muffle her screeching, but couldn't help wiggling all over Bob's lap, hoping for some relief from the terrible sting. Over his knee, she wondered if LISA ever got spanked by Charlie.

Soon she had no thoughts of anything but how much this spanking hurt. Finally, limp over his knee, Bob realized she had had enough. Pulling her up in his arms, he let her sob on his shoulder, until she got calmer.

Very gently he said to her, "Soo, are you EVER going to let that happen again?"

"No sir, I promise," Heather said, and she meant it.

"Okay, then you are forgiven, my love, and we will not talk of this again. Okay?"

Heather threw her arms back over his neck and hugged him as hard as she could. Bob comforted and patted her and rubbed her bottom. Then he began to kiss her, and soon they were entangled in each other's arms, and rolling back onto the bed.

That night, Heather slept on her tummy, with Bob's arm securely over her back.
Tagi: #65656

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