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Opublikowany 2024-07-01 21:55:53

  • autor: Anonim
"What are you talking about, Molly?" Mr. Walter said. "What do you mean with feeling guilty?"
"Mom and dad don't care anymore... I mean, I guess they care... but they don't... I don't know."
"I'm sure they care, sweetheart" Mr. Walter said, looking at her with his friendly eyes.
Molly swallowed. She didn't know how to present it. But somehow she had to find a way.
"I... I saw you the other day, and Samantha. After the... after you know, we came back from the cinema. I didn't mean to eavesdrop... but... well, I heard that you spanked her."
Mr. Walter frowned. "As her grandpa it's my full right to do so, and don't you think that she had earned it?"
Molly nodded. "The thing is... I did the same thing, right?"
Mr. Walter nodded. "And I guess your parents dealt with you when you got home?"
"No" Molly said. "Well, I mean, yes. But the thing is, they just grounded me."
"They... they didn't spank me for more than two years I think. They think I'm too big."
Molly nodded.
"So you feel guilty that Samantha got a spanking for something you just got a grounding for?" Mr. Walter asked.
Molly shrugged. "I guess."
"Maybe you should tell your parents, then."
"I... I tried. But dad just said 'who's in charge here, me or you'. So I guess it's no point."
Mr. Walter looked at her for a long time. It was impossible to know what he was thinking.
"So, why are you telling me all this, Molly?" he finally asked. "Do you want me to talk to your parents about it?"
Molly nodded. "Or..."
"Or what?"
Molly took a deep breath. "Maybe you could spank me. Just like you did with Samantha."
"I'm her grandpa, not yours."
"You're almost like my grandpa" Molly said. "You've always been."
Mr. Walter smiled at her. "Come here" he said.
Molly went over to him, and he embraced her. She hugged him back. She always felt so loved when he hugged her.
After a while, he let go and looked at her again, his arms on her shoulders.
"I do think that a spanking is more than accurate punishment for what the two of you did. And your parents really should have given you one. But since you tell me your parents didn't give you a single spanking for years I have hard to believe they would change their mind. Even though I will bring it up with them."
Molly nodded. Mr. Walter leaned back in the sofa. Molly was about to stand up as he said:
"For now, though" he said "Maybe it's just fair that we do as you suggested."
Molly stopped. Was Mr. Walter really saying what she though he was?
"Do... do you mean..." she started.
"That I would put you across my lap right here and now, yes. Unless you changed your mind?"
Molly swallowed. It wasn't like she wanted a spanking... or, well, she did, but that didn't make the thought of getting it more comfortable.
"I... I guess not."
Mr. Walter looked at her. "Then let's get it over with. Go to the kitchen. I the top drawer you'll find a big wooden spoon. Bring it here."
Molly just stared at him. A wooden spoon? For sure, she had heard of children getting spanked with spoons, brushes etc. But her parents had only used their hand. The thought of a spoon hitting her rear end made her scared.
"Can't... can't you spank me with your hand?" Molly asked.
"Hand-spankings are for little kids, Molly" Mr. Walter said. "You are almost twelve years old, way past hand-spankings."
"Did... did Samantha get the spoon?"
"Of course she did" Mr. Walter said. "I will spank you the same way she got spanked, so everything will be all equal and fair. Now go."
There was something in his voice that made Molly stop from trying to come with another protest. Instead, she slowly turned around and headed for the kitchen.

Molly found the spoon Mr. Walter had spoken about. It was quite big and heavy. She swallowed when she imagined it spanking her. It would hurt a lot for sure... but at the same time, she wasn't worried that Mr. Walter would harm her in any way. She had known him her whole life. He had always been there, he was the person she could talk about anything with. She trusted him and she knew that he cared for her a lot. So even if she felt scared about the actual spanking, she felt okay with it in some way. She knew she deserved a spanking, that's why she had brought this up in the first place.
So when Molly walked back to the livingroom, she felt quite confident and she knew she had done the right thing.
Mr. Walter was still sitting at the sofa. He made a sign to her to come over. As she did, he took the spoon from Molly and put it next to him.
"Lets get this over with, then" he said.
To Molly's confusion and chock Mr. Walter bent forward and unbuttoned her jeans.
"Wh... what are you doing?" she asked.
Mr. Walter looked at her. "Pulling your pants down, of course" he said. "In my house, spankings are always delivered on the bare bottom, no less."
"My house, my rules. And besides, don't you think it's fair that you and Samantha get equal spankings?"
Molly's mouth was all dry. "I... yes... but..."
"And I've seen your little bottom plenty of times in the past, so stop worrying about that."
It was true that he had, but Molly was almost twelve now... she didn't feel comfortable at the thought of showing her bottom to him... or, well, the bottom wasn't that bad, but there were other things that she rarely even let her parents see these days. And on top of that... that spoon would have hurt enough
Mr. Walter didn't give her any time to argue, though. Before Molly knew it, he had pulled her jeans down all the way to her knees. A moment later he did the same thing with her panties.
"But..." Molly said again, instictively covering herself with her hands.
But Mr. Walter just said: "Over you go" and before Molly knew it she was laying face down across his lap.
And it just took another second before a load SMACK! echoed through the room. A very sharp sting appeared on Molly's left buttock. Another SMACK! left a similar sting on the right one.
A third one made her gasp. This hurt, this hurt really bad.

Molly lost track of how many spanks she got, all she was aware of was that her bottom hurt like fire. She couldn't stop herself from crying hard. She felt herself squirm where she was laying, and she felt Mr. Walter holding her still with his arm around her waist.
Two hard smacks that hurt even more than the other ones landed on her bottom, one at each buttock, and Molly howled out in paint.
"There" she heard Mr. Walter say. A moment later she felt him rubbing her back a bit. He waited until she had caught her breath a bit before he made her stand up.
She felt her legs trembling as she did.
"This is the point where I would ask you to apologize and promise not to do anything like that again" Mr. Walter said "But your penitence and the whole fact that you came here today makes that ineccesary. I know that you know you did wrong and that the punishment was necessary."
"I'm... I'm sorry" Molly said. It seemed important to say those words.
"Thank you, Molly" Mr. Walter said. "You can pull those up."
Realizing that she was still uncovered, Molly hurried to pull up her panties and jeans. The fabric felt uncomfortable towards her burning buttocks.
"How do you feel?" Mr. Walter asked.
"It... it hurts so much" Molly said.
"Well, it's supposed to. I guess you understand that."
Molly nodded. "Did... did you spank Samantha as hard?"
"Perhaps I gave her a few more, but she's more used to spankings than you are."
Molly swallowed. She didn't know if she had survived even a single more spank.
"You know, when you asked me a while ago, I didn't know if it was the right desicion to actually spank you. But now I'm convinced l it was the right thing to do and I agree with you that it was fair. Do you still want me to talk to your parents about not spanking you anymore?"
Molly thought. In one way, she wanted him to. But at the same time, what if her parents would actually start spanking her again whenever they were angry at her, and what if they did it as hard as Mr. Walter? She didn't know if she could handle that.
"I'll let you think about it for a few days" Mr. Walter said after a moment. "Do you intend to tell them about this spanking you got now?"
Molly shook her head. "They wouldn't understand."
"I agree" Mr. Walter said. "If we want them to change, we need to approach them carefully. And I don't think telling that I just spanked their kid with a wooden spoon would be a careful way of approacing them."
Molly couldn't helpt but to smile a bit at the thought of how her parents would react if they knew.

A few hours later, Molly was laying on tummy in her bed. Her bottom still felt a bit sore from the spanking, and when she pulled her pants down it was still a bit red.
The spanking had awaken many feelings inside her. On one hand, it had been a very unpleasant experience. Both the pain, which had been really bad, but also the fact that laying across Mr. Walters knee had made her feel like a small child again. Not to mention that he had pulled both pants and panties down.
But on the other hand, she knew inside her that she had done the right thing. Before she went over to Mr. Walter, she had been feeling both sad, down and guilty. Now all those feelings were gone. Instead, she felt like she had atoned for what she had done. She felt forgiven now. She remembered feeling in the same way many of the times she had been spanked when she were younger. That was a feeling of relief that no grounding could ever give.

"Wow, you made this for me?" Mr. Walter said the next day as Molly went over to him.
They were sitting in his kitchen, having some juice and cookies.
"I just wanted to thank you" Molly said, handing over the painting she had made the same morning.
"I never heard a child thanking me for giving them a spanking" Mr. Walter said with a chuckle. "At least not in this way."
"Not only for the spanking" Molly said, blushing a bit. "I just wanted to say thank you for always being there."
"And I would like to say the same, Molly" he said. "Was it true what you said yesterday, that I am almost like your grandpa?"
"You are" Molly said.
"You don't know how much that means to me" Mr. Walter said. To her surprise, Molly saw a tear in his eye.
"Can I hug you?" she asked him.
"Always" he replied.
Molly stood up and went over to Mr. Walter, sat down on his lap and hugged him tightly. He hugged her back.
Every word she had said was true. Mr. Walter was someone who had always been there for her, always. She loved him, and she knew he loved her as well.
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