Opublikowany 2024-07-01 21:49:31

  • autor: Anonim
She slammed the door as she entered the classroom, more than 15 minutes late. As usual, a admiring silence spread through the room as she passed by. She was the leader, the most popular, the coolest and most goog-looking girl in the school. She was the boss. And she seemed to have this natural feeling that she could do as she wished.
She flung herself down on her chair, noticing the admiring glances thrown from the class, astonished at her courage that she could so easy and natural override any rules that all the others had to stick to. She blew a bubble of gum. Days with a fill-in teacher seemed to be made for Miranda to shine and prove her might.
Their supply-teacher Mr. Richardson slowly turned around from the blackboard and faced the class. It was something old-fashioned over him. He was not that old, perhaps in his mid 40's, but still he had an authority that few teachers nowaday can provide. This, however, did not affect Miranda, who now sat with her feets on the desk.
"So, Miranda, you give us the honour to make a visit to the classroom?", Mr. Richardson said.
"Yes, I had nothing better to do, the Coke was sold out in the cafeteria."
Admiring murmur from the class.
"You've never been taught to one: be on time and two: apologize if you are late?"
Miranda did not answer. She weighed her chair backwards, flung her blonde ponytail in the air and demonstratively blew another bubble. Mr. Richardson turned to the blackboard again, but now he whped the text out from it it with two quick sweeps.
"Well", he said, still with calm voice, "you simply have not been taught to behave. I have had your class for a week now, and already noticed that. I'm surprised that your parents have not done anything about it."
His eyes moved from the seemingly untouched Miranda and looked out over the class.
"I had planned to tell you this later today, but you teacher Mr. Larson will be away for the rest of the year. The headmaster asked me if I could take care of your class for the rest of the term, and I agreed. And let me tell you one thing: If I even should bear to be in this class, I will have to put higher demands on the morale of the class from now on."
He put his hands on his pack.
"Miranda, will you please come here?", he said.
"Why?", Miranda answered. Her voice was annoying, decidedly unfriendly. She was the goddess of the class and their enthusiasm seemed to make her even more anxious to put on a show.
"Because I say so. Will you come here or do I have to come and get you?"
"Sure", Miranda said. "What are you going to do? Call the army or what...?"
Giggles in the class. Mr. Richarson gave the class a stern look, and calmly walked over to Miranda. She looked scornfully at him without a thought other than that it was she who had the power.
Suddenly Mr. Richardson took a hold of Miranda's ear and twisted it at the same time as he pulled her up from her chair. She made a cry, both from surprise and pain.
"Oooow! What the hell are you doing? Let go of me, idiot!", she cried. She tried not to lose balance, the chair had fallen when she were pulled up.
Mr. Richardson ignored her and started walking toward his desk, still with the same grip of Miranda's ear. She had no choice but to follow, but cursed and squirmed as she did. When they reached the desk, he quickly folded her arms in an iron grip behind her back and put his other hand to her mouth to silence her. He was much stronger than her, so her fiery profanity were silenced.
"There", Mr. Richardson said, looking towards the class. The giggles had quickly stopped and the room was now completely silent. "You can put away the math books. The rest of the lesson will be devoted to manners, behavior and order"
He waited a few seconds, still holding Miranda in a firm grip.
"If I have everyone's attention, I want to start by telling you that such behavior as that Miranda has shown today will not be tolerated in the future. I expect obedience, respect and good behavior. After this lesson, all of you will probably understand that, especially Miranda here. I'll loos my grip now, Miranda, but you should remain quiet and stand still beside me. Believe me, it all will get much worse if you struggle."
The class was totally quiet. Surprised glances were exchanged and no one dared to say a word. When Mr. Richardson released Miranda, she did stand still at his side, but she muttered something about calling the child welfare committee on him. He ignored her.
"Now Miranda", he said, "we'll deal with your behavior. I intend to pull down your pants, put you over my knee and give you a good spanking, which your parents should have done a long time ago."
The class gasped, but they probably did not really take him seriously, perhaps thought he wanted to be scare them. Miranda certainly did not take him seriously.
"Sure", she said sarcastically (although her voice was quite a bit uneasy now), "you and which army?"
The slap hit Miranda's cheek before she could even blink. The skin on her cheek reddened a bit.
"You need discipline, your cheeky kid, and I will tech you how to behave! Unbutton your jeans. Do as I say!"
She stared at him with a frightened look, as if she could not believe what was happening. Her hand touch her cheek where a red mark appeared clearly.
"You're damn crazy...", she said, but as she tried to move away Mr. Richardson fixed her in a stern grip again.
"You will soon learn how to obey orders, but since you do not know how to do yet I guess I'll have to help you", Mr. Richardson said and in one move he unbuttoned Miranda's jeans. With a quick grip he then pulled them down to just below her bottom, sat down on his chair and placed the girl face down over his knee.
He took a firm hold of her hips and said to the class: "Maybe you did not think I was serious? Let me assure that I was. There is nothing that bites so good on a rebellious girl like a good spanking. Watch and learn. I don't think any of you want to experience this, but I assure that you will if you do not behave."

And so, to everybodys amazement, he began deliver hard smacks to Miranda's panty clad bottom. The smack's echoed between the walls and the class horrifiedly watched as their brave queen lay like a tiny little girl over the teacher's lap and got spanked. Miranda wiggled, but Mr. Richardson held her so tightly that she could only helplessly fence with her arms and kick her legs a little bit.
The hard smacks continued. After about twenty smacks she could not holdherself but started to wail, and after about thirty, she cried: "Ooow, stop!"
The smacks stopped, and Mr. Richardson said with a soft and friendly voice to his pupil: "Miranda, my cheeky kid, I've barely started. An so inveterately saucy kid as you need considerably more punsihment than this to learn something at all. But this does not feel really good. We will do this for real, so that you really get to feel what it feels like to be spanked, which seems to have been in short supply in your upbringing. Well, it's never too late. Small cheeky girls need a good spanking on their bottom to learn how to behave. The bigger girls, the harder spankings."
With a quick, determined move, he took a hold of the waistband of Miranda's withe cotton panties and pulled them down. The whole class now had a full view of Miranda's pink buttocks. She made a big cry and tried to get her panties back up again, but without sucess. Mr. Richardson took a hold of her arm and folded it behind her back. The class sat petrified.
The next second the slaps began to land on Miranda's now bare buttocks, and they were even harder now. Some made caused her to jerk and twitch and, finally, starting to cry of pain. Tears ran down the girls cheeks and she howled in pain every time a spank struck her bottom.
"Ooow, stop, stop it, ouch, it hurts so much, stop stop stop ...!", she cried. But without result.

Eventually Mr. Richardson let Miranda stand and pulled up her panties up, but not the jeans. He took a hold of her ear again and turned her tear-stained face to the class.
"This is no exception", Mr. Richardson said. "From now on, I do not want to see any manners, because then there will be a spanking at once. Do you understand that now? Well?"
"Yes", the class said in one mouth.
"Good. And Miranda, you have something to say to me?"
Miranda's sobs had subsided and Mr. Richardson had released her ear.
"Yes", she said crossly, "fuck off you piece of shit."
She reliazed her mistake in less than five seconds. Before she could blink Mr. Richardson had grabbed her neck, turned her over and pressed her down unto his desk.
"Oh, you have not had enough yet, have you? Clearly you need another round, and, by all means, now you will get it so hard that you won't be able to sit for the rest of the day. I truly never have seen a kid in such big need of discipline as you. We will cure that need now. I assure you that your attitude will change radically, but it seems that I have to spank the good behavior into you. But, on the other hand that's not the worst way to teach a kid, and I will spank you until you behave like girls your age should do!"
His voice was controlled, but you could hear the the anger in it. Quickly he pulled Miranda's panties down again and picked up something from desk. The class, but not Miranda, saw that it was a wide wooden ruler.
"Now, Miranda", he said, "I intend to give you something that'll make you learn your lesson for real. Afterwards, my friend, you must curtsey to me and thank me for giving you this thrashing, because you're in certain need of it. And if you don't, I guarantee that you'll be back across the desk for another round. I'll make you a well-behaved girl, and the only thing that helps apparently is give a hard spanking."
He changed his grip and grabbed her hips instead, just as he had done when she lay across his lap and got spanked like a little kid. Miranda turned her face around a little bit, just in time to see the big ruler as Mr. Richardson raised it in the air. The first stroke hit her bottom with a load "SMACK".
Miranda screamed tried to get up, but Mr. Richardson held her down by putting his hand and elbow on her back. Quickly he gave her another four stinging lashes and tears filled her eyes again as she desperately screamed right out.
"So", he said, "starting to learn now?"
"Yes", she sobbed, "I'll be good, what I did was sooo bad, I'll ... behave."
"That came a little too hastily", Mr. Richardson said calmly,"And it's supposed to hurt. What did you expect?"
She just sobbed, and did not know what she should answer. The next moment began the lashes landed on her butt again. The ruler swished through the air, and tha smacking sound when it hit her bottom echoed in both the classroom and inside everybodys heads. The steady grip on her hips left no room for maneuver and her howling of pain and humiliation did not change anything.
"You deserve to get spanked", Mr. Richardson calmly said as she begged for mercy, "And certainly more than this. After this punishment it will take a long time before you act bad again, right?
He let his words be followed by two lashes.
"Yeees!" Miranda wailed in despair. "I WILL be good, I promise!"
Another three smacks.
"OOOW! I promised I'll be good!"
"Oh, yes, you say so, Miranda. But you have been saucy, late to class, sworn and called me names. Why should I trust your words now?"
Another two lashes, even harder now.
Miranda could not ask for mercy anymore, she just screamed at the lashes and sobbed hard between them. She had stopped fighting back and just sobbed hysterically as the smacks repeatedly landed on her now dark pink butt.

Eventually Mr. Richardson let the desperately sobbing girl up and put the ruler back on the desk. As in panic Miranda pulled her panties up and collapsed down on a chair, but directly jumped up again with a shout.
Mr. Richardson crossed his arms and said: "I told you that you wouldn't be able to sit. And now, dear class, I want you to listen carefully. Miranda has something to say to me. Miranda, look out over the class before you do this. I want to make sure that everyone sees and hears this."
Miranda's blushed and the sobs still shook her body as she looked out over the class and tried not to meet anyone's eyes, especially not the boys at the back because she knew how pleased they were that someone finally put her on the spot, as often as she had played Queen for them and been insufferable and superior.
Then she turned reluctantly to Mr. Richardson, to whom she clearly felt an intense hatred but did not dare to defy more. Slowly, she curtsied to him.
"Thank you", she sobbed.
"For what?" Mr. Richardson said relentlessly. Miranda looked like she would have liked to hit him or yell at him, but of course that was not to think about.
"Thanks for spanking me", she whispered, annihilated by shame.
Applause and some laughter from the guys at the back, but Mr. Richardson silenced them with just one short glance.
"Higher", he said, "I did not hear."
"Thanks for spanking me", Miranda said higher and met his gaze, tears still glittering in her eyes. He smiled. "I do not know if you are chastised yet, but hopefully you will learn to keep som good manner from now on. Henceforth you will behave, Miranda. Just one single minute late to class and..."
He made a gesture against the ruler. Then he pointed towards the corner next to the blackboard.
"Go and stand in the corner."
Miranda slowly moved there.
"Pull down your panties", Mr. Richardson said. "No idea that you protest", he added grimly, "you should stand with your bottom bare for the rest of the class. And one single sound from you, other than than those useful little sobs, and the ruler will come and improve the pain in the butt a bit."
Miranda had no choise but obeying, and as she pulled her panties down in the back the class got a full view of her red buttocks.
No one had ever expected something like this to happen. And certainly not to the Queen of the class.
The bell rang out, but the class didn't move an inch. Mr. Richardson smiled.
"There", he said, "Miranda, you will stay in the corner for another while, but the rest of you can have a break. And I hope you will be back in time to the next class..?"
Tagi: #454545

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